Thursday, 28 January 2016

Retreat with Jesus: Day Twenty Eight

The last couple of days I've been drawn to draw pictures in black and white. As we remain in the book of 1 John and the same chapter 2, there is a strand of thinking emerging. To do with light and dark. The true light is the revelation of God through Jesus. I've often tried to explain to people what it's like when you accept Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. It's like one has only been seeing the world in old fashioned, fuzzy lined, black and white TV. When we encounter God as Father our world can suddenly be viewed through full colour, HD, 3D TV! And then some! A multi dimensional smorgasbord of life in it's fulness.

The eternal things that come from the Father are like the full colour TV world. The stuff we're often drawn to in the pride of life, lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes, are the fuzzy lines, the superficial unimportant stuff when compared to God's everlasting Kingdom.

The world passes away and disappears it says in verse 17, but the one who does the will of the Father and carries out His purposes in life, abides and remains forever.

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