Sunday 17 January 2016

Retreat with Jesus: Day Seventeen

The reading today is one I've always had in the back of my mind whenever making decisions about  things I've encouraged my children to either view, read or spend time thinking about from being small. Pure, true, honourable and just things. The plumb line of these virtues has been a good one to hold to. As my girls have grown to adulthood I don't doubt they've veered from the initial 'boundaries' I set as a concerned mother but I trust and pray that one day they will protect and mother their own children in such a way as to protect my grandchildren's minds from dishonourable and defiling things. Meanwhile - I still try to hold to these virtues in things I watch on TV or read, simply because I know I'd be in danger of becoming immune to things of horror or untruth! God's word has a habit of washing the mind!

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