Monday, 13 October 2008

From A- Zebra before breakfast

As any working mother will know the early morning juggle of children, housework and getting everything done on time, every time, is a constant and daily miracle. It's good to pause and ponder sometimes the hilarity of life in the midst of this crazy pace. Having now had space to take stock of last week I realise the humour of one particular morning.
I had been woken by my 10 year old informing me she was going to school as a zebra. (Don't ask!) We ransacked the house trying to find every stripy piece of clothing. The girls were convinced daddy had a stripy t shirt and mummy tried hard to hide under the bed covers when they insisted, after 10 minutes of searching, that they were SURE he DID have a striped T shirt and what could have happened to it? Mummy finally confessed that she had binned the aforementioned t shirt a good few months ago, having got tired of sleeping with a husband who looked like a zebra 7 nights in a row!
Alternative stripy clothing found, the next phase of preparation was the face painting. Critical to the overall look and to compensate for lack of the authentic stripy t shirt, mummy was tasked with:
a) Finding the face paint, which involved a rummage in the garage! (Don't go there!) b)Finding a picture of a zebra so that we could face paint an EXACT representation! and c) Doing an outline on child's face so that daddy, who is artistically and creatively challenged, could complete the face in time for the school run because mummy had to rush to drop other daughter at bus stop!
I have a feeling all this happened the same day as the car journey I blogged but I'll never know 'cos life tends to blur at times!
PS. Daughter had a good day as a zebra but decided not to take it up for a living!

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