Saturday, 12 February 2011

A day of contrasts

Sunday 30th January marked an amazing day of contrasts....beginning at the Blackbird leys leisure centre with over a thousand spectators and child/ youth participants ready to compete in a variety of high energy street dance competitions through to the ethereal atmosphere of the Magdelen Chapel choir.

It was the first time that daughter number one had the opportunity to take part in a competition and I had committed myself to being at her side until the end. By the time her turn came the beat of the music was already pounding in my head. This, combined with the fact that my normal caffiene free diet had been ruined through my having had several strong cups of coffee, left me 'stoked' and ready for the long haul.

Mel bravely joined the line up of 40 + youngsters in her age range who were about to compete for places in the solo 'starters' section. The music cued and I watched the four 'judges' circle round the eager and often  desparate dancers vying for attention and placement into the next round. The judges had a relentless job. I don't know how they did it but by the end of a series of dance offs the semi finals were announced and Mel's name was read out. She had been 'placed'. O the heights of joy but then of despair as the second chance she had to shine was quickly dashed as it became clear she was unfamiliar with the chosen music (it all sounded the same drum beat to me!) By the time she got into her rhythmn the music was over and the judges had already chosen the four who were to go to final stage. Crestfallen we waited to hear the worst and sure enough, when the contestants for the final were anounced, her name was not among them.

Hope did however loom on the horizon as she had yet to dance in the pairs 'starter' section. The only problem was that the solo dance offs had taken so long to complete that it was already 3pm by the time they even started the next section of dances which was for 'groups'! It emerged that the 'pairs' section was to be the last of the day.

Although committed to the end I had not anticipated that the end would be past 6pm. I needed to rethink the plan! I had already agreed to attend and pick up my Godson, a chorister with Magdelen College Choir, after the Choral evensong, so this complicated matters considerably. I had the car and it would mean a marathon cycle ride from one side of Oxford to the other for my hubby to relieve me and take on the role of parental support. Happily he agreed, (for me that is...he wan't so happy!) He arrived in due course and I was released from the heaving mass of sweaty bodies and empty high energy drink cans to discover  blissful retreat in the peace of the Magdelen College Chapel.

O the glory and bliss of silence as I snuck into place on the end of a row. The orchestra struck up and the air was filled with melody and a sense of the divine. The choristers filed in and the ensuing service took me to a place a million miles from the thump and grind of the street.  It was a few hymns in before the dull beat in my head receded and my body caught up with my spirit which was by now in raptures of joyous relief.

My Godson was a sport, he agreed to come back with me to the street dance to pick  up my daughter who by now had actually got through to the medal stage of the pairs. (That in itself is another story!) We watched in wonder at the culmination of a day of buzz and energy resulting in the final awards ceremony. The best of it is that daughter number one and her partner in the pairs were anounced as the winners!

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