Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The girl with stars in her eyes and gold in her teeth

At the end of August I spent 72 hours at a music festival with a difference. Those who gathered were a mix of musicians, artists and people who had a spiritual hunger. I ticked all three boxes!

Due to my age and predisposition to gum disease I have a daily 20 minute teeth cleaning routine and on day two, as I diligently brushed away, I noticed three gold dots had appeared in one of my teeth.
I was puzzled and showed them to hubby. Bri wasn't initially impressed so I shrugged off the wonder of them and continued enjoying the spiritual atmosphere dancing, singing and generally loving the powerful presence of Holy Spirit as I worshipped God in song and dance.

The next day during my teeth cleaning routine my eye was drawn once again to the three small flecks of gold that were in my teeth and I looked closer. I'm not sure at which point I noticed that they were in fact triangles but I couldn't deny that gold had appeared in the tooth. I have heard of such phenomena happening when people are in super charged environments. Gold teeth appearing and gold dust falling when Holy Spirit is present seems to be a growing occurrence. Before going to this festival - Davids Tent - I had even wondered if such a thing might occur there. Having dismissed all thoughts that this might be something the dentist had secretly put in my teeth without me knowing - I began to marvel at the supernatural nature of this happening.

As the camp came to an end I felt like I was glowing. People even commented that I looked shiny! As we had worshipped and I had engaged in the spiritual realm I had even begun to feel that the eternal love I had felt had caused there to be stars in my eyes…... I knew I was travelling home changed - with stars in my eyes and gold in my teeth.

On return my two teenage daughters asked me how the festival had been. I started to explain about the powerful sense of God's presence, the power of love and the joy of being with other believers and I suddenly remembered that I had gold in my teeth. In my excited childlike way I showed them the gold triangles - which by now were unquestionably three triangles in the shape of a triangle.
They were incredulous - as was my husband who, on taking a second look, verified that they had in fact grown!

You may be asking the question - So what? Why would God do that? What's the point?

I want to share what happened next -

One of my teenage daughters friends came round that evening - she knows our family are 'believers' and tolerates our/my  'quirkiness'. I showed her my tooth and the triangles and she was like
"whoa…...Triangles are special…..I've always known it. That's why I had a tattoo of one."

Picking my jaw up from the floor I looked at her and the tattoo of the triangle behind her ear and excitedly started to share about how YES the triangle symbolised something AMAZING - the Trinity of God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I encouraged her that God must really love her to have revealed something of His nature to her in the shape of a triangle. I shared that whilst we often pray for things, situations or people  -  that God loves it when we simply love on HIM.  The fact is He loves us and takes pleasure in us. My belief is that getting gold in my teeth was something a GOOD God would do for one of His children who had been loving on him for 72 hours.

My eyes are aflame with the JOY of the revelation of God's goodness and love - I love it that I now carry a physical representation of my belief in a triune God who reveals himself as The Father - (a good Daddy) as The Son (a brother/friend - acquainted with our ways and loving us enough to have laid down his life), and as Holy Spirit (comforter, counsellor, guide, and ever present powerful/supernatural representation of God on earth).

To sum up - God loves us and will sometimes do things that surprise us to bring us joy simply because He is a GOOD God.