I'm in recovery! The year long programme to the World Weekend of Prayer culminated last weekend with my own involvement in at least three events over that weekend. It started on the Friday night when I addressed a group of bedraggled teenagers who had been persuaded to experience a sleep over in a back garden. The idea was to give them some idea of what it might be like to have to sleep in the 'open', as street children or such like.
OK! So it was wet and it DID rain all night and the temperature was COLD, but nevertheless I was bemused to discover that our 'tough' teenagers had in fact been molly coddled by the hosts of the experience! Starting with a bar b que and with full bellies, I watched as parents ran round inflating lilo's and putting up tents inside of tents! Electricity was relayed to the gazebo and ambient lighting was rigged! I was able to present a power point via a lap top and play music at the same time - such was the electricity supply!
The next morning the youngsters were helping with a Praise Party to celebrate the work being done with children at risk and to pray into issues facing these children. My concern as to how they might fare after a night 'roughing' it was short lived as I learned that they had been given, not only cereal but a cooked breakfast and had even had HEATING supplied to the communal tent!
The PRAISE PARTY was an experience itself. Those who know me will be aware that I like to help children be authentic in their faith and relationship with Father God. The prayer stations were thus designed to engage the most agile and physical of children, with a goal set at one end so that a ball could be kicked as children prayed for the Millenium Development Goals to be achieved. There were tents to climb in, birthday candles to be blown out and rubbish to be sorted through. (To name but a few of the activities to inspire prayer and inform the children about issues facing children at risk!)
As the event kicked off, within minutes I had cause for alarm. I had considered it an inspiration to cover the birthday cake in a serviette and place the candles on top so that as children blew out the candles they would not spit over the cake - leaving it possible to hygienically distribute at the half way point with a cup of orange juice. I really had not anticipated that the serviette might catch fire! As flames licked around the cake I was thankful that my precious husband had come to the rescue and I was relieved when he succesfully extinguished the flames, much to the amusement of the children concerned.
Believe it or not it was a special time and everyone involved seemed to enjoy the experience and engaged meaningfully in prayer. Hey ho....here's to next year!